Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Serenity Now

Mentally prepping myself for the new semester...to be continued in 6 days.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Selecting a Cupcake

S has brought cupcakes to our Holiday Party and is passing them out to students.

S: "L, what kind you want boy? Chocolate or Vanilla?

L: "I'm finna take chocolate cause I got sexy, chocolate eyes."

S: "Boy, just take the cupcake you dusty grizzly bear."

S: "What kind do you want Mr. A?"

Mr. A: "Thank you S, I would love a vanilla cupcake."

B: "Oh big suprise...the whitest guy in the school picks that vanilla mug."

Mr. A: "I like vanilla...I don't have as good of a reasoning for my selection as L."

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Focusing on What's Important

R has been talking about some pizza he ate last night all day. I am busy helping T with the rough draft of her essay.

R: "Mr. A! Mr. A! I need help, I need help!"

Mr. A: "Just a minute R, I need to finish with T."

R.: "Forget her dusty essay, I finna need help now!"

Mr. A: "OK R, what's up?"

R. "Did I tell you about the pizza I ate last night, that mug was good Mr. A. I was finna eat that thing in no time."

Mr. A: "How's the essay coming R?"

R: "Mr. A, why you always finna change the subject to school?"

Mr. A: "I know, teachers are always finna do those kinds of things...how inconsiderate of us."

R: "So back to my pizza..."

Thursday, December 10, 2009

New Friends

It has taken some time, but the students are really starting to warm up to me. That being said, one student may be warming up a little too much.

R: "Mr. A, you finna sleep over at my house this weekend?"

Mr. A: "R, I don't think I can do that. It's not really appropriate for teachers to sleep over at their students' houses.

R: "Why, I ain't finna do nuthin' dusty, my mom said it was ok...she'll make chili dogs yo."

Mr. A: "Hmm, well I do love a good chili dog, but again, it's really not appropriate for a teacher to sleep over at a student's house."

R: "Have it your way. I'm finna be munching out on chili dogs while you're home by yourself on a Friday night."

L: "Ohhhh, you just got straight roasted Mr. A!"

Monday, December 7, 2009

Drug Users

Every Monday the students have 'Substance Abuse' education. Today their lesson was on steroids. However, the conversation somehow found its way back to crackheads.

R: "Hey Mr. A., don't you think crackheads love steroids...they finna love anything that messes them up."

L: "What are you L.D. boy? Crackheads don't like steroids, they can't afford that stuff, that's why they're crack heads."

R: "Your a crackhead."

L: "Well this crackhead finna to crack you in the head, with yo dusty self."

Friday, December 4, 2009

Birthday Gifts

L and B are fighting...again...shocker.

B: "Boy I finna crack you right in the skull."

Mr. A: "That's enough...you go through this everyday, how do you not get sick of it?"

L: "Don't worry Mr. A, that light skin boy ain't gonna do nothin after I drop him off a three story building...Mr. A, it's my birthday next week, you have to get me something...I like extra credit."

Mr. A: "Right now...really?"